
Being an unmarried,low income adult sucks. I'm just going to say that I miss the security of marriage, I miss knowing someone had my back. I'm struggling while my ex moves forward, it's disheartening. He's buying a house, he got a promotion....I'm still driving the vehicle we bought together seventeen years ago. All I need is someone to co-sign for me, well, I don't have anyone willing to do that for me. I have the income but no proof, the nanny life is good but a struggle. And being reminded that if I stayed married I'd have a new vehicle stings deeper than it should. I dedicated 20 years to my husband and kids only to be left with nothing, no career, no experience, low credit score.... So yes, I'm a little bitter. Divorce is hard, I do not recommend it. Even after years I'm reminded of many reasons why I should have stayed married while knowing getting divorced was the right decisions.


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