To Write or Not
My writing has come up a few times in the past several weeks. I miss it, so here I go. I'm setting a goal to write once a week. Even if it's about nothing other than the mundane work week. . .. ... It's the first day of 2020 and I'd be lying if I said it was off to a positive start. I mean I didn't have sex yet, so that sucks. I didn't wake up hung over however, so there's that. It's the first year I haven't been married since 1995, how crazy is that? I want this year to be better than I could imagine so I have my work cut out for me. I've applied for some other jobs, and I'm freaking out over it. Like really freaking out. I have such an attachment to the family I work for now but I need more hours/money. I have always done what is best for other people, this year I want to change that and do what is best for me. At least some of the time, baby steps. I'm struggling with the job aspect of my life, I feel like a failure. Everyone tells ...