What makes someone stop blogging?

I recently looked at my comments, clicked on their blog and then started clicking on the blogs she followed. All these blogs last posts were in 2011 or before. I started to skim and realized this was when people would blog for the fun of it. It seems every blog now is a source of income, it's a business now. Kind of sad to me, even though I don't really read blogs anymore.... somewhere along the way I lost my way. I stopped writing so I stopped reading or maybe I stopped writing because I stopped reading. I don't know. It's hard to know. And I wonder how other bloggers last post became their last post... Did their life get busy, did they lose their passion, did they start a new blog with a different direction? I'd love to know... Did you blog back in the day? Do you still blog, if not, why? I will say I am disappointed in myself, maybe if I kept with it full time blogging could be a business for me. Who knows. As I sit here writing this I am realizing man I love the sound of the keyboard. My ADHD has gotten worse so it's harder for me to get my thoughts from my brain to my fingers. I am going to try. I still have that dream of writing a book. The parenting book that talks about all things parenting books don't talk about. Like your last baby going to his senior prom... Prom_-17


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